Meet The Team: Marketing Team

June 20, 2024 Category: Humans of Execulink, Pop Culture

Welcome to our latest blog feature where we shine the spotlight on the brilliant minds behind Execulink’s marketing success! Our marketing team is a powerhouse of creativity, strategy, and innovation, each member bringing unique talents and perspectives to the table. In this blog, you’ll learn about each team member, their role and responsibilities and a sneak peak into their personalities!


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

A little over 10 years

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

I am primarily a graphic designer, web designer and video creator. In my day-to-day, I create numerous promotional and support materials for Execulink, that range from 16 foot billboards to 300px newspaper ads.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

I love the variety of my job. There are constantly new products launching that need to be promoted, or changes in the industry that affect our materials. Besides that, I love being creative and finding new, exciting and eye-catching ways to promote our company.

What is a project you worked on that you are proud of?

For our 120th anniversary I created a “history of Execulink” video that I’m quite proud of. It was quite challenging to create because of its length, the interviews of employees and its complex storyline, so I was happy that it all came together!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Hike, do yoga, sing, play video games, read.

What personal qualities do you think have contributed most to your success at Execulink?

I think creativity and initiative are two big ones. I’ve always been a creative person so that certainly helps when trying to come up with new promotional ideas. I say initiative because the programs and tools I use to create are constantly updating and changing, so I’m always teaching myself something new to help my workflow and my designs improve.


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

22 years

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

I’m our Residential Internet and TV Product Specialist. I’m responsible for packaging, pricing, new features, and ongoing enhancements to provide the best experience to our customers.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

I love how creative our team can be! We’re always coming up with new ideas and strategies and collaborate well together.

How do you handle multiple projects and manage tight deadlines?

I keep organized by using task lists and reminders and I plan out my week and month in advance and prioritize what needs to be completed first.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I enjoy the outdoors so I am often out walking with friends, my dog or my two children.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

I play the piano 😊


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

Since June 2019 – 5 years! 😲

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

My role is managing our communications for our communities serviced with Execulink Fibre. I send a variety of mailers and emails to help inform residents that Execulink is delivering Fibre to their neighbourhoods and track sales in those areas. I also manage our traditional advertising – radio, billboards, and print ads. I work with advertisers to book ad spots and create ad copy to help promote our services, ensuring we have ad coverage across our main service areas.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

I enjoy how collaborative and supportive the marketing team is! We constantly share ideas and feedback, which has created an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Whether brainstorming new campaign concepts or refining existing strategies, we work together to stay innovative and effective. Additionally, our mutual support helps us stay organized and on track with our goals. This teamwork not only enhances our productivity but also makes the workplace more enjoyable and motivating.

How has your role evolved since you started at Execulink?

I started as a summer student and was fortunate to secure a full-time position. Initially, I was responsible for managing our events, social media, and writing blogs. I also managed our outbound sales campaigns for a period of time. Throughout my time here, I’ve been involved in many different functions within the marketing team, which has helped me develop a well-rounded skill set. My role has evolved significantly to what I’m doing now – I’m thrilled to be part of managing our Fibre communications, as bringing Fibre to new communities is central to Execulink’s success!

What is a project you worked on that you are proud of?

I am most proud of a blog I wrote in 2019 that is still one of our most viewed blogs! When I wrote it I didn’t realize learning the benefits of watching TV would be so popular!


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

7 years

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

As a Project Specialist, I have the exciting opportunity to oversee our Smart Home, Mobility, and Residential Phone product lines. My role is multifaceted, involving everything from research and discovery of new products to their successful launch. I am constantly seeking ways to enhance our products by prioritizing customer needs and making decisions from their perspective. I handle the day-to-day internal product inquiries, perform in-depth customer and sales analysis, and consistently make innovative recommendations. Additionally, I oversee ongoing product development, assist with sales materials, create compelling marketing collateral, and conduct regular reporting to ensure our products stay ahead of the curve.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

What I most enjoy about working within the marketing team is our unique dynamic and creative environment that encourages us to think outside the box every day. Working with diverse, creative minds who bring innovative ideas and valuable feedback is extremely rewarding. I love our brainstorming sessions and seeing our concepts come to life, making a tangible impact on our customers and the market. The chance to continuously learn from my colleagues and enjoy their friendship keeps me motivated and excited to come to work every day!

What is a project you worked on that you are proud of?

One project I am particularly proud of is the launch of our new Smart Home services. Being part of a product launch is a very significant opportunity. Creating unique, brand-new materials and collaborating with every department to ensure a smooth rollout was very rewarding. It’s exciting to see how this innovative product continues to grow, knowing I played a pivotal role in its launch.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I am deeply family-oriented and cherish moments with my husband and our two little girls. I love transforming our house into a warm, inviting home through gardening, house updates, reading, and baking. Keeping my creative side alive outside of work, I enjoy crafting new and exciting activities for my daughters, whether it’s a seasonal craft, an interactive play session, or teaching them to bake a delicious treat. These experiences not only bring us closer but also keep our time together filled with joy and creativity.


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

7 years

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

As the marketing manager, I work with the marketing team, providing coaching, guidance and support as well as keep marketing activities on track and aligned with the strategic marketing plan. We advertise and promote Execulink, keep our customers informed and represent our brand, vision and values. My daily activities focus working with other teams to build marketing strategy – which means I attend many meetings every day!

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

The team is highly skilled and I am so proud of all that they have accomplished. My favorite aspect of the team really is our cooperation, our respect for one another and that we back each other up. No one is afraid to ask for help – or offer it!

How do you handle multiple projects and manage tight deadlines?

Staying organized is half the battle. Clearly communicating expectations is also so important so everyone is on the same page. Frequently communicating, checking on and monitoring progress is important, but so is being able to trust that your team will get things done when they say they will. I am so fortunate to work with a team that I can count on!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Golf, go to concerts and festivals, karaoke, and spend time with my family and friends.

How has your role evolved since you started at Execulink?

When I started at Execulink as marketing manager there were 3 marketing coordinators, and myself. There are now 10 people on the team and our portfolio has increased our events, social media activities, communications/PR and expanded to include product management. Execulink has flourished, and our team has as well.


How long have you been with Execulink?

I have been with Execulink for one month.

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day-to-day responsibilities.

My main role in the marketing team is to create graphics, manage swag, create and capture content, and attend and coordinate events. Each day involves a mix of designing marketing materials, organizing promotional items, and creating engaging content.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

I most enjoy the inclusivity and the support from every team member! Everyone is super welcoming and friendly, which makes for a great working environment.

How do you collaborate with other departments at Execulink?

I collaborate with the sales team to coordinate and collaborate on events. This involves planning, communicating, and executing to ensure successful events that benefit both departments.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

One thing people would be surprised to learn about me is that I am into old and new cars. I enjoy attending car shows, learning about car specs, and adding new features to my personal vehicle.


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

Since September of 2022 – About 2 years and 9 months!

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

My main role is managing our social media platforms and handling customer communications. Each day I monitor and reply to customer comments and messages through our social platforms as well as creating engaging content that gets posted daily. With customer communications, I thoughtfully craft emails and letters that get sent to customers regarding information about changes to their account or services.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

Hands down the people! We all mesh so well together and were a very collaborative and talkative group. We always work to build each other off and lend a helping hand when needed. We are such a strong, tight knit group and I think it really shows in our work! I also love that our team is involved in nearly every major project we execute at Execulink.

How has your role evolved since you started at Execulink?

I started as an events coordinator and handling our corporate sponsorships including our Gifts of Christmas program. Within my first year I added social media management to my responsibilities and more recently I transitioned into my current role!

What are some key strategies you use to stay creative?

To avoid getting creatively burnt out, I like to take advantage of the days the when my creativity is flowing and try to get as much as I can done. If there are days when I have to be creative but I’m just not feeling it, I try to get out of my head for a bit and take a walk on my lunch break or something and that usually helps me get back into the zone.

What personal qualities do you think have contributed most to your success at Execulink?

I think my adaptability and my organization skills have definitely helped me in the success of my roles. Event planning can throw you some curve balls and you have to be quick on your feet to adapt. Also having done both event planning and social media simultaneously, staying organized and on top of due dates is crucial.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love reading, going for walks and working out, doing puzzles, spending time with my family, and browsing Winners/Marshalls/Homesense!


How long have you’ve been with Execulink? 

3 ½ years

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

As the Business Product Marketing Specialist, I manage and develop business products. I oversee product life cycles, recommend pricing and packaging, and coordinate with marketing on strategies. I ensure product materials are current, analyze performance data, develop ongoing weekly and monthly content, and provide competitive analysis to inform/enhance our offerings.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

I love the team, their can-do attitude, and the strong work ethic everyone brings. It’s inspiring to work with such dedicated and collaborative colleagues who consistently strive for excellence and innovation in our marketing efforts.

What is a project you worked on that you are proud of?

I am proud of all the projects I’ve worked on because each one has been a valuable learning experience.

How do you stay motivated and inspired when working on long-term projects?

I stay motivated and inspired on long-term projects by setting clear milestones for myself and celebrating any small victories along the way.

How do you handle multiple projects and manage tight deadlines?

I handle multiple projects and manage tight deadlines by using calendars, traditional to-do lists, and Microsoft Teams Planner.

What personal qualities do you think have contributed most to your success at Execulink?

The personal qualities that have contributed most to my success at Execulink are my proactive approach and adaptability.


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

2.5 years

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

I manage email sales campaigns, MDU Fibre (Multi-Dwelling Unit) marketing campaigns, newsletters and media relations.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

It’s an amazing team culture with awesome people.

What is a project you worked on that you are proud of?

The launch of the customer newsletter.

What are some key strategies you use to stay creative?

If I am stuck on a tagline or something, sometimes I like to mull it over outside of work while on a hike or a drive or something as I find I am more creative away from the screen.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I coach and play roller derby. I am a Paddle Canada certified kayak guide casually. I also like to garden, hike and collect beach glass.

What are some challenges you face in your role?

Learning the Adobe Suite of products (In Design, Photoshop)

How do you collaborate with other departments at Execulink?

Via Teams


How long have you’ve been with Execulink?

Three months – Started in April.

What is your main role in the marketing team and give a brief overview of your day to day responsibilities.

I am the events coordinator, I work on organizing our company hosted events and working with the community team to get us to community organized events. I also handle sponsorship requests, the scholarship program and the Gifts of Christmas initiative. My day to day consists of working with event organizers to get us booked into events and coordinating with sales how we make our attendance at community events successful.

What do you most enjoy about working within the marketing team?

The people. We have an amazing team and everyone works so collaboratively, the work environment feels more like friends then colleagues. I get the opportunity to attend events and meet so many great people and make connections.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to get outside, go for a run, get out golfing or even spend some time on a patio. I also enjoy going on weekend trips to the cottage or a new city for the weekend.

How do you collaborate with other departments at Execulink?

Being an events coordinator I get the opportunity to work with a vast amount of different teams and individuals. I work very closely with the sales team, specifically the community team, getting organized on how we can execute and make our events successful. I also work very closely with Jasmin, my dynamic duo, on getting swag ordered and ready for events.

What are some challenges you face in your role?

The nature of events is there will always be challenges and unforeseen changes/issues. Often times being successful in events is dependant on how well you can improvise and mitigate any issues that arise. A challenge we’ve set for our selves is always trying to improve our events. We won’t make them perfect but I will sure try.