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How to Add/Remove Email Addresses in MyExeculink

To add or remove an email address in MyExeculink, follow the steps below:

      1.  Log in to MyExeculink
      2. On the front page, click on the “Manage your mailboxes” link
      3. You have two different options for creating email service. You can either create a brand new email mailbox and an address to point to it, or you can create a new email address that will point to one of your existing mailboxes.   
      4. To create a new mailbox, click the first Start button. You can choose an email address and password for your new mailbox.
      5. To add an email address to an existing mailbox, click the second Start button. You will be presented with a list of your current mailboxes. Click on the mailbox you wish to create a new address for. You will be creating an alias for the mailbox. Mail sent to your new address will be sent to the mailbox you select. 
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